Forgot to post this a few days ago:
I have been so lucky up until this point. But now I have seen the other side and I am weary, very weary. This week I was struck by abdominal cramping and really bad nausea. Turns out the cramping was just some gas making its way through. I
may have found a way to get the bed to myself at least, if nothing else positive came out of this experience. As for the nausea, time and a few goodies have really helped me through. Rice and ginger ale are now household staples. I was also lucky enough to receive this awesome surprise package on the day that I felt the absolute worst!
Earth Mama Angel Baby has natural, organic products and several of them are intended to help with nausea!
The Morning Wellness tea was amazing and calmed my nerves enough for me to get some rest and the Happy Mama Spray smells ah-mazing. I have since used every product and they all feel great and smell great! My sister has gotten our entire family into essential oils and when I first started feeling bad, Scott made his own calming concoction of oils into a spray for me to use. Completely different smell but just as nice, and it makes me smile when I spray it just thinking of Scott at the kitchen sink, mixing oils for his pregnant wife. The
doTERRA essential oils that Carrie sells are addicting but my all-time, go-to favorites have been Serenity, with Deep Blue coming in at a close second. Don't get me wrong- I am in no way, shape or form throwing away my Tylenol and Pepto chews, but the
doTERRA products can substitute or compliment many OTC drugs.
Since I am spending a lot of my free time surfing the web, browsing baby and mama items, and getting emails from every company that has ever made a baby product, I would also like to take this time to share a product that I think may be the coolest thing since sliced bread! Of course there are the pregnancy pillows to choose from and belly bands to extend the life of my jeans, but who know there were cameo baby rattles out there!? I know this product may seem a little extravagant (and at $180, who wouldn't!?) but I still find the idea way too cool not to share! The rattles at
Cameobyrux are carved to mirror silhouettes! Pointless, possibly. Awesome, yes!
Cameo baby rattles- wha?! |
Camden will be turning 2 this weekend and I can't believe how time flies! I will try to take every moment in, completely- even the ones where I am nauseous!
13 weeks pregnant!