In the past 30 days:
Scott and I have grown comfortable with transferring Lincoln back and forth to one another, as well as to family. With our work schedules though, sometimes it seems like that's all we do, but at least Lincoln gets to be with one of us all the time :)
Lincoln found his hands. They are in his mouth most of the time, so much that his fingers get pruney!
I made it through my busiest time at work. with Lincoln. (and with the help of Scott and my mom!) Lincoln does so well with being around other people he is unfamiliar with, and is a joy to have in the office. People stop by just to see HIM!
I turned 29.And I've made it another month breastfeeding. Yea me!
Lincoln made his first stage appearance at Common Ground on the Hill Traditions Weeks.
He still is not sleeping through the night every night, but surprises us with a sleep-full night every once in a while.
Lincoln still loves his swing and also really has started to like looking around and taking in his environment.
He loves listening to Scott talk and talks back to him a lot.
Lincoln is very close to rolling over from his back to his stomach. He also holds his head up so well and can sit up when given some support.
Lincoln turned 3 months old!