Its time for our first guest blog! Woot woot! Now that everyone has heard from me, month after month, I thought it would be
awesome to get a break at writing the blog neat to have a few stories, messages, etc. from others in Lincolns life. Scott was super stoked about doing this...until he sat down to write, so lets give a round of applause for the first, and most likely last, blog entry from Scottie!
I think my favorite thing about fatherhood so far is getting to do the bedtime routine with Lincoln. On a typical evening, we have a set routine for Lincoln to begin getting ready for bed. We start by taking a bath, then getting dressed, and then he rocks and drinks his bottle in the glider. This usually ensures that he is going to be sleepy and go right to sleep.
Lincoln loves bath time! Especially since he is able to sit up on his own, and it helps that his toys are always within reach. Mom (Sarah) got a great idea, from the internet, to put a laundry basket in the bathtub for Lincoln to sit in. This help keep him from banging his head on the cast iron tub, and also serves to keep all his bath toys within arm's reach. One of his favorite things to do in the bath, is when you slowly pour a small stream of water into the tub from his water cup. He watches it splash down, puts his hand under it to catch it, or leans forward to let it hit his tongue. I love to watch him kick his feet and get excited when he gets splashing real fast and furiously! After his bath, its time to get dressed for bed.
My son has become quite the squirmer when it is time to get dressed for bed. I think more often than not, the problem lies with the fact that I take waayyy too long to dress him. I am much better than when I started, but still have a ways to go. I love listening to Lincoln when he is drinking his bedtime bottle. Its typically very quiet in his room, so you can hear him breathing and sighing, and he just makes the cutest sounds. The best part comes when he finishes his bottle! As soon as he is finished he pops the bottle out, you give him his pacifier, and he turns into your chest and nuzzles his face in it and drifts right off to sleep. It is the most adorable and heartwarming thing you have ever seen.

Lincoln is 8 months old! This month he really found his voice, cooing and singing and saying "Da da da da" quite a bit, which he first started on Thanksgiving. He is still kicking like a mad man, eating like a champ and sleeping through the night (for the most part). He has got everyone wrapped around his little pinky already, even strangers! Lincoln celebrated his first Thanksgiving, saw Santa and went sledding for the first time, has got the one-foot-two-foot motions of walking down and is
crawling! He continues to bring us so much joy and we can't wait to celebrate his first Christmas with him!
Stay tuned to see who the next guest blogger is and email me to let me know if you are interested in contributing.
buddies <3 |
First taste of snow...not the yellow kind |
blocks aren't for building- they are for eating! |
Most favorite 'toy'- any rubber bracelet that isn't really a toy |
1st Thanksgiving |