How far along?
19 Weeks
Baby is the
size of a: A large heirloom tomato
Total weight gain/loss: 12 lbs total
Bump: Is officially noticeable
Heartburn and headaches, currently carrying a full bottle of Tylenol and Pepcid AC in my purse. Feeling a bit scatter brained also but I'm not sure if I can blame that on the pregnancy. Oh and my belly is so itttchy!
Food Cravings: Nothing unusual. Maybe brussel sprouts but there isn't any one food that I think about a lot.
Anything Making
Me Queasy or Sick: Not that I have had the pleasure of crossing paths with yet.
Sleep: Getting uncomfortable
What I
miss: nothing right now, I am loving this!
Weddings Rings
On or Off: On
Any Names
Picked Out Yet: shhhh :)
Gender: Boy!
Movement: I felt him move on Thanksgiving night, but not since then...until today! I have been feeling him move frequently today but the Dr says not to be surprised if it remains very sporadic for the next month.
Clothes: Bring em on! I have been wearing leggings just about non-stop. I still have one pair of jeans that I can just about bare but will be picking up a few items this week. Maternity wardrobe makeover is full on :)
Signs: nope
Best Moment of
the Week: Finding out the sex of the baby and feeling it move! Simply amazing. Hearing the Dr say that everything is perfect! So much to be thankful for this week.
What I’m
excited about/looking forward to: Being able to pick out baby boy things and nursery items. Seeing my bump in Christmas photos.
This week the baby is forming the white coating, vernix caseosa, that makes newborns so adorable. *Gag* This coating protects the baby from the amniotic fluid. I wonder if there's a way to harvest it- I bet its moisterizing quality could do wonders for my itchy belly!
19 weeks pregnant |
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