How far along? 31 Weeks
Baby is the
size of a: pineapple. Yummy :)
Total weight gain/loss: 32 lbs. and definitely feeling it!
Bump: it's there alright
Symptoms: Bad back pain kicked in this week and I am also starting to feel tired and easily exhausted, like I did during the first trimester
Food Cravings: Nothing specifically- just everything!
Anything Making
Me Queasy or Sick: nope
Sleep: lots of tossing and turning
What I
miss: sleeping on my stomach
Weddings Rings
On or Off: On
Any Names
Picked Out Yet: Lincoln
Gender: Boy
Movement: Lincoln has the hiccups all of the time- even right now as a matter of fact! It is the strangest feeling, like a pulsing low in my abdomen- slower than a heartbeat but consistent like one. They usually last for a few minutes but sometimes up to 10 minutes and it happens 5-6 times during the day.
Clothes: wearing a mix of 'regular' clothes and maternity clothes
Best Moment of
the Week: We are able to see Lincoln move more, whereas before it was just a kick or a punch (which are still visible), now I can see a body part move from one side of my stomach to the other. Can you say 'Freaky'? All checked out perfectly at our Dr appointment this week! Scott finished putting the crib together and I have done my first 5 loads of baby laundry- the first 5 of a gazillion, I am sure. His room is almost ready for his arrival :)
What I’m
excited about/looking forward to: meeting our little one.
The Dr has also informed us that Lincoln is in the head-down position and will most likely stay in this position until birth. His back is on my left side and his arms and legs on my right side, which explains why I have been feeling lots of pressure under the right side of my ribs- someone is practicing his kicking in there :) Guessing from his size, the Dr says he is between 3.25-3.5 lbs right now. It's hard to believe that the Dr can tell so much just from palpating my stomach!
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