My new word, coined especially for this post, to capture in
some small measure the incredible experience of being a grandparent. This blog is my meager attempt to explain the
excitement and wonder I feel whenever I have the good fortune to be around one
of those little muchkins known as grandchildren, in person, photo or just in
thoughts. Grandparenthoodositynessful is
close to describing that feeling, but not quite. I think it might look a little like this
photo of Lincoln (below), if you could find it in the dictionary! I’m pretty sure it is accompanied by a goofy
smile, some silly sounds and lots of love.
I can tell you, though, that it does include many of the feelings and
responsibilities of parenthood, but without as many poopy diapers and late
night feedings!
Lincoln Jay LaCoss, the newest addition to our family! New grandchildren are such a gift. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, Scott and Sarah, for having the
courage and love to bring Lincoln into this world. As Grandparents, grandchildren are the
promise of experiencing the world as new, once again. They offer us the chance to fall in love with
another human being all over again.
We get to watch that new person experience the world all
over again; learning fast and using every tool and sense available to
experience, learn, and grow in understanding of the world around him. …and to
give him presents and watch him eat the box!
We get to experience the joy of watching you, as parents,
lovingly caring for and teaching your new son about how to appreciate the world
and all of the miracles in it. And watch
you grow and evolve through your own new experiences and the challenges of
parenthood. ….and first crawl, first
words, first teeth, first steps and the string of miracles that accompany new
life. We are so happy for you…nearly Grandparenthoodositynessful, but not
Grandchildren provide a unique focal point because of the
life-stage of grandparents. We’ve lived
through the lean times. We’ve struggled
and overcome our challenges. We’ve
raised fine adults who now face those same challenges themselves. Grandchildren remind us that the world also
includes dangers and that we need to be protective and careful and do all we
can to help them grow up safely, securely and healthy.
Finally, our grandchildren offer us hope for the
future. Grandchildren are the promise of
new memories and joys to carry with us into old age. We know that another generation comes behind
us to carry on our name, our traditions, our stories, or history and to ensure
that the love of a family extends beyond our own short lifetime. That future includes such wonderful
opportunities as sharing our passions with them, spoiling them, and taking them
to wonderful events. It means the
possibility of expanding Patriot Nation to another fan! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist, because, after all
the Patriots are in the playoffs again….and the Ravens are not! Sorry Sarah!)
Of course, it also means that he could own a SuperBowl Championship hat
in his very first year…(maybe the Patriots or the 49ers); either way it’s
pretty darn cool!
As this is part of the circle of life, I will close where I
began. Grandparenthoodositynessful! That’s how I feel about Lincoln, Noah, Alli
and Mariah, my grandchildren. I love you
all with all my heart and will always be there for you.
Lincoln is 9 months old, 22 lb. (70th percentile) and 29" tall (75th percentile) with a head circumference of 18" (60th percentile). He loves balls, yelling, carrying toys in his mouth, drinking from cups, his silky blue blanket ('base' as we call it because he returns to it often while playing just to touch it, rub his face on it and return to playing), and taking birdie bites from whoever has food, no matter what it is. He is crawling like a champ and loves to explore anywhere he can, pulls himself into standing and 'cruises', knows to switch a toy from hand to hand while getting dressed and is awfully clumsy when tired. This past month he celebrated his first snow and first sledding, experienced Santa and Christmas, and rang in 2014!
Whatcha girls doooin |
cousins <3 |
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